Upcoming Events & Activities

November 10, 2023

Join us for the third installment of our rapid response webinar series as we continue our exploration of the evolving Israel-Gaza Conflict with focus on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. In this session, we welcome Pacific Council member Professor Topher McDougal, an expert in economic development and peace studies.

9:00am to 10:00am


October 26, 2023

This year's symposium theme is Roots of Resilience, and esteemed speakers will touch on various topics including indigenous-led climate change action, ending global hunger, funding a healthier world, black feminist movements as catalysts of change, and more.

9:00am to 4:00pm

Skirball Cultural Center

October 25, 2023

Please join us for a conversation with Donald Alway, FBI Assistant Director in Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office. Assistant Director Alway will engage us in a conversation on counterterrorism, counterintelligence, international relations with foreign countries, and more. More details to come.


5:00pm to 7:00pm

Beverly Hills

October 18, 2023

Professor Karlinsky will offer firsthand insights into daily life in Israel amid unprecedented challenges and the evolving political discussions at the conflict's epicenter. Together, we will explore the latest developments and diverse perspectives, shedding light on the mounting human and political impact.

9:00am to 10:00am


October 16, 2023

We are excited to invite you to a roundtable discussion featuring a distinguished guest, Michael Schiffer, the Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Asia at the United States

4:30pm to 6:30pm


September 27, 2023

In advance of the November APEC Summit in San Francisco, Ambassador Matt Murray (U.S. Senior Official for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) and Monica Hardy Whaley (President of the National Center for APEC/Pacific Summit Resources) will join us to brief us on the importance of U.S. economic engagement with the Asia Pacific region, current agendas in the works, challenges, and recent successes.

5:00pm to 6:00pm


August 31, 2023

The Nobel Peace Conference 2023 celebrates the achievements made by human rights defenders, identifies the risks they are facing and calls for action to support their work.

4:00am to 8:00am


August 24, 2023

The conversation will explore the various ways in which food security and civil unrest intersect, featuring Ambassador Mark Green. Our discussion will examine different regions, highlighting the role of food shortages, price volatility, and unequal distribution play in triggering social unrest. We will also investigate how climate change, conflict, and economic disparities contribute to food insecurity, exacerbating the risk of civil unrest.

11:00am to 12:00pm




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