
Charles I. Carmona
Mineral Resources Consultant & President, Guild Laboratories, Inc.


China & East Asia
Energy, Resources and the Environment
Los Angeles, CA
United States

Charles Carmona is a consultant to the gemstone and jewelry industry.  Guild Laboratories (www.guildlabs), which he founded in 1980, currently has locations in Los Angeles (USA) and Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuji (China), Bangkok (Thailand) and Beruwala (Sri Lanka).                                               As a contractor to the World Bank, he has established gemology schools in Madagascar (2006-2008) and Tanzania (2014-2017) to teach gemstone testing, cutting and carving, and jewelry making.                                                                                                                                                                                        He has served on committees and boards of the Natural History Museum of L.A. County and various national and international gemstone and jewelry industry associations, and from those connections, has led numerous trips to gemstone mining areas on five continents.  He is an author and regular speaker at national and international professional and industry conferences.


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