Aaron J. Brooks is an operations and logistics professional with global experience, coming from 21 years of Marine Corps service before receiving an Honorable Discharge as a field grade officer.
Aaron's overseas deployments include: a UN multi-national coalition (Operation Southern Watch, 2002), detainee & intelligence operations (Joint Task Force Guantanamo, 2004-05), Security Cooperation with Gulf nations (2007-08), the phased US withdrawal from Iraq (2009) and the surge of Marine Expeditionary Brigade Afghanistan (2009-10) before returning to stateside assignments. Aaron's USMC career culminated with a rewarding tour as the Commanding Officer of Marine Aviation Training Support Squadron One.
Aaron is a member of the Truman National Security Project, an associate member of The Royal Institute of International Affairs, and has served on several nonprofit boards in the communities where he has lived.
He completed a two-year term as the VP of Programs for the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (SD / Baja) where he regularly partnered with member companies that straddle the busiest international land border crossing in the world.
Aaron has also contributed as a talk show host, field reporter, and desk anchor for a weekly radio and television program as part of Homefront Media. Aaron has recently served as Reading Clerk for the Florida Legislature, providing him with a front row seat to changing law and policy in a dynamic swing state. He is currently enrolled in a graduate program through the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism.