
Elizabeth Bodine-Baron
Engineer & Director, Center for Applied Network Analysis and System Science, RAND
United States

Dr. Elizabeth Bodine-Baron is an engineer at the RAND Corporation specializing in complex networks and systems. Her research interests include network analysis and modeling for both domestic and national security issues. Her recent work has included improving the Air Force's acquisition policy related to cybersecurity, studying the impact of cyber attacks on defense systems, and social network analysis for national security, intelligence, and health applications. She has recently led several projects involving social media for policy analysis, from using Twitter data to identify ISIS support and opposition networks to developing best practices for social media analysis.

Prior to joining RAND, her research focused on the role of social networks in various engineering and economics problems, such as distributed search, matching markets, epidemic spread, and vaccination behavior. Bodine-Baron received a B.S. in electrical engineering and a B.A. in liberal arts from the University of Texas at Austin in 2006, and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Caltech in 2012.

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