
Anthony A Luna
Chief Executive Officer, Coastline Equity
Los Angeles, CA
United States

Anthony Luna is the visionary Chief Executive Officer of Coastline Equity, a leading commercial real estate management firm located in Los Angeles, California. He has grown Coastline Equity into a renowned name, committed to excellence, integrity, and innovation.

A native of California, Anthony's passion for real estate began at a young age, leading him to pursue a career that blends business acumen with a desire to create thriving communities. His commitment to quality and ethical practices has resulted in a reputation for trustworthiness and reliability.

Under his leadership, Coastline Equity provides top-tier property management services to clients across the region, managing an impressive portfolio. His hands-on leadership and strong relationships with clients, vendors, and his team have propelled the firm to financial success.

A Forbes Contributor and thought leader in commercial real estate, Anthony contributes his insights and expertise to a broader audience, sharing strategies and innovations that shape the industry. He also invests in continuous education for his team and actively participates in various industry associations.

Outside of his professional life, Anthony is a devoted husband and engages in philanthropic efforts that support community development. His leadership extends beyond the boardroom, reflecting a holistic approach to business that values people, community, and quality.

In leading Coastline Equity, Anthony Luna has set a benchmark for quality and integrity in property management. His visionary leadership continues to inspire and set new standards for excellence.

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