
Joseph Moschella
General Counsel, Trusted Media Brands, Inc.


Southeast Asia & Oceania
Foreign Policy & Diplomacy
Los Angeles, CA
United States

Joseph Moschella manages legal matters, business deals, and corporate operational issues as General Counsel to Jukin Media, Inc. in Los Angeles, and also as Assistant General Counsel to Trusted Media Brands, Inc., the publisher of Reader's Digest. He is a former general counsel to an electronics manufacturer and media company, former counsel to a theatrical distribution company, and has a history of working with high-growth enterprises to maximize value and minimize global risk. In addition to his professional obligations, he has been a guest lecturer at Georgetown University's law school, is an active member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and writes from time to time on matters of U.S.-China relations. He has a BA in Political Science and a JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School, where he was a Park Fellow.  

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