
Kristen Purnell
Growth and Operations Director, Brighton Jones


Economics & Finance
Costa Mesa, CA
United States

Kristen Purnell is the Growth & Operations Director for the Southwest Region at Brighton Jones, a holistic Wealth Management firm headquartered in Seattle. She is based out of Newport Beach, CA and works directly with teams in Scottsdale, Denver, San Diego, Los Angeles and Newport Beach. Kristen focuses on growing the business, from identifying and building out new office locations, hiring talented team members and introducing perspective clients to Brighton Jones. In addition, Kristen oversees the day to day operations within the region and manages and develops team members to maximize their potential. She hopes to one day help build Brighton Jones into a nationally recognized firm while focusing on the west coast and helping thousands of families achieve financial wellbeing. Kristen received a dual bachelor's degree in Public Relations and Advertising from Northern Arizona University with a minor in Sociology. She has always enjoyed the study of groups and how they interact with one another, more recently developing an interest in international economics and focusing on making the world a little better on a broad scale. Kristen grew up involved in philanthropy as a part of the WHH Foundation where she learned the ins and outs of working with nonprofit organizations. She is currently the Chair of the WHH Foundation Family Council and Board Secretary. In addition, Kristen serves as the Board Secretary for Project 34, a nonprofit she helped found in 2018 that focuses on empowering people who have suffered spinal cord injuries to be more independent and easing the financial burden of medical costs. Kristen has always been a fan of the arts, growing up as a dancer with the Aspen Santa Fe Ballet School, NAU Dance Team, where she danced and coached and eventually as a Cheerleader for the NFL Arizona Cardinals for seven seasons.

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