In 2020, the Pacific Council on International Policy embarked on a new strategic era, guided by a five-year plan with an evolved vision and mission for the organization.
Our Vision
Contributing to a world in which a spirit of internationalism drives global engagement and diverse perspectives inform policy.
Our Mission
Building the capacity of Los Angeles and California to have impact on global issues, discourse, and policy.
Under these guiding statements, the Pacific Council aims to become a distinctive 21st century thought leader on global affairs and to generate commitment to global engagement in Los Angeles.
Through an inclusive process to determine the priorities of the Council in its next era, we developed new pathways for members and the community to engage with our 25-year-old organization.
The Pacific Council focuses on:
- Building the capacity of individuals and organizations in Los Angeles to become global affairs champions; we’ll do this through leadership development, community engagement, and idea incubation;
- Developing community partnerships with public and private institutions to create a network of global affairs actors and amplify our collective impact;
- Cultivating expertise on issues where our city adds value and is poised to make a difference on a global scale.
We are developing programs that draw a closer connection between local community experience and international issues. These topics include but are not limited to migration, inequality, climate, trade, culture and entertainment, and more. We welcome your ideas for ways we can explore important local-to-global connections.
Furthermore, we want to make our content more accessible to broader audiences, not only traditional global affairs actors.
Our Change Model
All of this work is underpinned by our theory of change, which believes that change begins with the individual. Our model builds on our most important asset—people—and our members, constituents, and the broader LA community remain at the center of what we do.
Our Values
The Pacific Council believes that living by a set of values is critical, especially in today’s policy environment. Our values define and distinguish us, and we reaffirm our commitment to global engagement, inclusivity, nonpartisanship, objectivity, civility, respect, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
A Vision for the City of Los Angeles in 2025:
The Pacific Council aims to play a key role in reaching our vision for a global Los Angeles in 2025: