
Mijica R Lus
Work Integrated Learning Advisor; University of Canberra; Youth Advisory Council Member; U.S. Embassy in Australia
Franklin ACT

Mijica is a graduate from the University of Canberra, majoring in Human Resource Management and currently working as a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Advisor with Careers UC at the University of Canberra. She is passionate about Career Development and Workforce planning and through her role as Events Director with the Young Diplomats Society, she hopes to create opportunities for young people to realize, build and strengthen their potential in International Relations and related subject areas to empower tomorrow. Young Diplomats Society is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run organization whose aim is to strengthen the community of young people (18 - 28 years old) passionate about global affairs.

She has a rich connection with community from volunteering and youth initiatives she had led for over 7 years, embedding her values from the Pacific into her actions and connections. She hopes that as part of the pacific council, she serves not only people in the global community but also represents the voices of her people from the Pacific.

Mijica has also had a solid record of awards and grants both internationally and locally, and she pays her respect and honor back to her pacific islander roots and heritage and she hopes that she continues to wave the flag of her region in spaces not yet represented by her people from the Pacific.

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