
Jeremy W. Potash
Executive Director, California Asia Business Council
Oakland, CA
United States

An early childhood interest in Asia morphed into a career with abundant focus upon Asia business and economic development issues.  

Though my first jobs were in journalism, I then began working with JETRO, a semigovernmental Japanese agency focused upon Japan's trade needs.  JETRO's research protocols and systematic efforts to understand markets and market drivers has informed my later work with California-Asia Business Council (Cal-Asia).  

At Cal-Asia, we look at 22 economies in Asia, stretching from the research-rich but impoverished Papua New Guinea to vibrant north Asia, stretching to India and Mongolia, and with particular focus on the countries of ASEAN.  We see abundant opportunities for US business to source, invest, export and otherwise commercially engage.  And make it our mission to unveil these opportunities through programs, partnerships, symposia.

My research skills were honed at Pomona College where I studied international relations under Michael Armacost (who subsequently became ambassador to Japan and Philippines, Deputy Secretary of State, etc.)  and Southeast Asian studies under Hans Ruyter of Claremont Graduate School.

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