
Chester D. Haskell
International Consultant to Higher Education


Education, Society & Culture
Fallbrook, CA
United States

Dr. Chester (Chet) Haskell has had extensive experience in university leadership in the United States, having served in several senior positions over 13 years at Harvard University. He later served as dean and de facto provost at Simmons College (Boston) and as president at both the Monterey Institute of International Studies (Monterey, California) and Cogswell Polytechnical College (Silicon Valley).

Dr. Haskell currently is an independent consultant  working with universities in several countries including the United States, Mexico, Holland, Spain  and Brazil  He also is deeply engaged in matters of academic quality assurance and accreditation, serving as a consultant to the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)  on projects related to Mexican higher education. He has served as a peer reviewer for the WASC Senior Colleges and University Commission assessing institutions in California and internationally (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, India, Mexico). Further, he served several years as a member of the international advisory committees of ANECA (Spain’s national accreditation body) and ACAP (the former accreditor for the autonomous region of Madrid). He is an expert advisor to the Fundación para Conocimiento de Madrid, the newly restructured Madrid regional accrediting body and also serves as an accreditation specialist for the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications. He recently completed a project for COPAES, Mexico’s national accreditor of programmatic accreditation bodies. Finally, he has made numerous presentations to international meetings and conferences in the US, Europe, Taiwan, Mexico and Brazil. He also is a member of the Board of Governors of Al Ghurair University in Dubai.

Dr. Haskell earned DPA and MPA degrees at the University of Southern California, as well as an MA from the University of Virginia and the AB from Harvard University.

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